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Resilient parents raise resilient kids.

Bring a Powerful & Transformational
 Low-Cost or Free Workshop for Parents 
to Your School or Group 

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Hi, I’m Vanessa Callaghan, MEd.

As a proven educator and motivation researcher, I facilitate interactive parent workshops for school communities and other organizations to provide parents with powerful tools and highly effective strategies.


Raising kids is a challenging endeavor... and I’m guessing some parents in your school community or organization would like to be empowered with more effective parenting tools!


Are you ready to bring a high-quality workshop that leaves your parent community feeling more connected and supported?  Would you like more alignment between home and school for your students?  


Then I invite you to apply for an interactive workshop at your school. Together we can empower parents and help students experience more consistency between home and school. 


And the good news is... we’re able to offer these workshops at a LOW-COST or FREE for schools and organizations that qualify. 


Workshop Topics

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5 Kind and Clever Ways to MOTIVATE Children without using Rewards and Punishments

The topic I’ve spoken on that parents of elementary-age children have enjoyed most is about motivation strategies. Parents of kids in this age range would like their kids to strive and focus more independently, and become self-motivated and engaged learners. Parents are often unaware of the ways they can use healthy motivation practices at home.

Navigating Meltdowns, Tantrums, and Power Struggles with More Calm and Confidence

Emotional resilience starts so young, and parents are craving tips on what to do and say to comfort their children when they have big emotions, but also how to hold firm to provide healthy boundaries. It’s hands-down my most popular workshop!



3 Keys to Creating Smoothly Running
Family Routines

Of all the challenges of daily life, parents tell us that creating morning and bed-time rotines that don't leave them feeling rushed, ragged, and exhausted by the end of the day... is one of the hardest parts of raising children, especially in these challenging times! Learn how to set up routines that practically run themselves, so that everyone can enjoy more time to relax, connect, and enjoy daily life.


Setting Limits that Stick

Parents who have more clarity about their limits can better embrace their role as a family leader. During this workshop parents will learn how to communicate a limit clearly and concisely, be effective in the moment, and explore the ins and outs of collaborative decision-making with the whole family. Plus, they will discover how to avoide the #1 mistake parents make when setting up boundaries and expectations.

Here’s what folks have to say about our workshops:

"Vanessa's ability to engage her audience through her clear, articulate presentation of well-researched material, her warm, pleasant manner, and her ability to involve the audience with relevant activities make her an excellent choice as a presenter."


Judi Bauerlein, MEd

Teacher Educator, AMS Living Legacy 

“Before we attended Vanessa’s workshop, things were a bit frenetic in our household, and it was really helpful!  Raising kids and addressing challenges is never a one-size fits-all experience.


We really appreciate how Vanessa draws from multiple tool boxes of strategies and adapted her suggestions to our unique family dynamics. 


She listened, shared key ideas, and gave us practices we could use right away. Thank you for your insights, Vanessa!”


Ximena and Alex Portilla

Busy Parents of a 6yo and 2.5yo 


"Being a single parent, I was drowning in survival mode and extremely overwhelmed - I see parent coaching and workshops as an investment and an opportunity to grow as a mom and give my daughter my best."


Ale Velazquez

 Parent of 5yo

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"The workshop was informative, fun, and uplifting. I now have many useful tools I am excited to use with my students, as well as in my personal life!"


Kendall Roberts

 ECE Teacher, Nia House Learning Center, Berkeley, CA

Image by Aserusainhuu

"I really recommend a workshop with Vanessa.


You’ll find engaging and warm hearted instruction, and clear and helpful direction in an area that can otherwise feel murky (how the heck do you do this parenting thing!?!).


You'll walk away with excellent tools that you can apply right away. And we did! That very day!" 


Jane Morgan

Mother of 9yo

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“The tools I learned are not only motivating for me but practical and easy to use right away with my kids. It was the most useful online workshop I have ever attended and I imagine I will use nuggets from it for the rest of my life as I become the parent I want to be.”


Katerina Barron,

Mother of 3


Empowering Parents, Empowering Kids:

With my workshops, parents become the heroes of their children's emotional growth, creating lifelong relationships based on respect, appreciation, and love. My workshops are more than just a one-size-fits-all approach. They are tailored to YOUR community's unique needs and challenges.

Here's what you’ll get:

(Depending on your specific needs)

A tailored workshop experience

1.5-2 hours of instruction

Tech support person during the event

Registration Page

Reminder Emails

Replay page with video

Follow-up emails

PDF handout of the the interactive slides

Interactive Google Slides document

Promo flyer, banner and description

Schools and organizations we’ve worked with…

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Hear from a school leader about my workshops:

"Vanessa is amazing to work with... There was a lot of care taken in preparing for our work together. She really listened to what the parents were maybe wanting, what the parents need... and as a school how we can let our parents know that we're in this journey together."

Jayne Martin
Head of School of Diablo Valley Montessori School

Vanessa Callaghan is on a mission to empower parents...

Our lead coach, Vanessa Callaghan, MEd. is a proven educator and motivation researcher with 20+ years of hands-on experience known for her refreshingly honest, hands-on, and personal approach. She empowers parents struggling with their children's challenging behaviors to find the calm, confidence, and tools they need to build lifelong relationships based on love, mutual respect, and appreciation.


Her company, Raising Our Resilience, was founded on Vanessa's Master's in Education research and her research project with UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center. She developed parent coaching services in order to challenge the societal expectation that parents have to do it all alone while being 'the perfect parent’.


Vanessa and her talented coaching team mentor parents in a yearlong program for parents, the Family Foundations Immersion, and are committed to sharing effective, research-based tools and strategies with as many parents as possible. Join her free Facebook Community for parents who want to raise resilient children... together.

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Are you ready to gather and take another step to support your parent community?

And let’s get started.

Here's what else folks have to say about our workshops...


"I get to have strategies to address challenging moments, such as taking that pause, breathing, listening, motivating him to want to take more personal responsibility.


I encourage you to attend these types of workshops because you don't have to make changes on your own. The help is out there.


Vanessa is capable, encouraging, motivational, she has great resources"


Mother of 3

"This INVALUABLE workshop was very organized, well-executed, and had so much great information and interactive activities to help parents who want to build more connections with their kids. It's a great way to get yourself unstuck or to "level up" your parenting."

"Vanessa is amazing to work with... There was a lot of care taken in preparing for our work together... and really listening to what the parents were maybe wanting, what the parents need... and as a school how we can let our parents know that we're in this journey together."

"I was impressed with how much Vanessa covered in a short amount of time. She was genuine, emotionally intelligent, and very relevant."

"During the workshop, I turned back into the values of appreciation that I grew up with and I am so grateful for Vanessa's workshop!"

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